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"Tom-cat’s waltz" by V. Lantsberg

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Автор Рябов Владимир   
                  Владимир Рябов

ABC music - drops on the pane,
Roof 's like the organ of ice,
Bright personalityTom the Insane,
There is one such a guy.
Sing, handsome Tom, in the street all night,
Gentle nocturne of woe,
Sing until July, then off we fly,
To Solovkies well go.

Well but Julys too slow to approach,
Seems like the time is shy,
Dark individualthe Snow of March,
That is another guy.
Melt, buddy Snow, while the day is fine,
Flow to the endless seaOnce in the end of this fucking time
The Solovkies well see.

Well hit the road through the mess of the past,
Lookas if out of mind
A flock of linens tearing off fast
In the balcony wind.
Well hit the road, with the wind gone off,
And it seems good to start 
Trying our violins in the loft,
Learning this waltz by heart.


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